If you own a smartphone or a PC, there’s a high possibility that you’ve played at least one of the many types of online or offline video games. But, have you ever wondered who the different types of gamers love spending their time playing different genres of games?

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When we talk about the demographics of the gaming audience and an average gamer, there’s a common stereotype among people, imagining them as teenagers or young men between the ages of 18-24. But the fact is that the gaming industry is now considered one of the fastest-growing forms of entertainment, and the ever-evolving gaming community comprises a very diverse group of people. In this article, we’ll list some exciting facts about gamer demographics and discuss different types of gamers by age and platform types.

Gamer Demographics Facts:

Here are some fascinating facts about gaming audiences that’ll surprise you for sure:

According to the latest reports, there are more than 3.2 billion gamers across the globe as of 2022. The video games market is estimated to generate about $200 billion this year. The gaming industry is now more profitable than the music and movie businesses. With smartphones and fast-internet getting cheaper, the industry is growing rapidly. In addition to the competitive aspect of gaming, it acts as a great way of getting together with your friends and loved ones.

More than 70% of the gamers are above the age of 18, and an average gamer is about 30–35-year-old which can be very surprising for some. Video games and arcades started gaining popularity among kids in many countries during the 90s. And, most of the 90’s kids who grew up playing video games still love to play old-school retro or latest gaming titles. Therefore, the average gaming audience age has been rising for the last 20 years.

Asia has the biggest video game audience, with about 1.5 billion gamers living in the continent, followed by Europe, with 700 million gamers. The US has a total of around 240 million gamers, while China is the country with the most gamers, estimated 650 million active gamers as of 2022.

Gaming has now become a part of everyday life for more than 60% of Americans and 50% of Europeans. If we talk about the gender ratio, a lot of people still think that not many women play games. However, there’s not much difference between the gender ratio in most countries. In the US, more than 45% of female gamers are female, while the ratio is more than 50% in some countries like France.

Gaming Audience by Platform Types (PCs, Smartphones, and Console)

As we mentioned earlier, there are more than 3.2 billion active gamers across the globe as of 2022. According to a report, PC gamers make up around 45% of the gaming population, while 70% of the gaming audience play video games on their smartphones. Over 2.6 billion people avidly play games on their mobile phones, and the mobile gaming industry generated more than $80 billion in revenue last year.

With the introduction of some of the latest consoles like PS5 and Xbox series with exclusive games, a large audience still enjoys playing on consoles. Around 41% of gamers play games on different consoles in the US. However, this number can differ for other countries as consoles are not very popular in most Asian and European countries.

Final Words:

Video games used to be only associated with kids a few years back. But with recent growth, the gaming industry is now a multi billion-dollar business. It now has people associated with all demographics, and it’ll keep evolving as more people become a part of this community. I hope you enjoyed reading these surprising demographic facts about different types of gamers in the community.

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