Archives: January 4, 2023

Free Fire Max vs. BGMI Gameplay

BGMI and Free Fire Max are India’s most popular Battle royale games. They’re the Indian version of previously banned PUBG Mobile and Free Fire that has users worldwide. Although the games offer similar mechanics and gunplay, there are quite a few differences between the two. There’s always a debate among players about which game is the best in graphics, gameplay, and more. In this article, we’ll be comparing Free Fire Max vs. BGMI to help you figure out the suitable game for your play style.

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Comparing Free Fire Max vs. BGMI Gameplay

Character Customization

Free Fire Max has a lot to offer when we talk about character customization in both games. In the beginning, you start with two characters with unique abilities that have a massive impact on your in-game performance. As you progress, you can unlock many new characters with special skills. On the other hand, BGMI does have different characters, but they do not have any abilities that affect the gameplay.

Maps and Locations

Maps and Locations in BGMI and Free Fire Max are both quite different. In BGMI, the maps are much larger and more detailed, with a variety of different environments, such as forests, deserts, and cities. In Free Fire Max, the maps are much smaller and more straightforward, with fewer environments and objectives. The locations are also more limited, with fewer objectives and challenges to complete. However, Free Fire Max does have more dynamic elements, such as destructible environments and dynamic weather, which adds to the overall experience.

Weapons and Equipment

In BGMI, players have access to a wide range of weapons, including assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and more. Additionally, players can equip themselves with armor, helmet, and other protective gear to help them survive in battle.

On the contrary, Free Fire Max offers a more limited selection of weapons, with fewer assault rifles, shotguns, and pistols available. However, Free Fire Max offers various equipment, such as backpacks, helmets, and vests, to help players survive in battle. Both games also offer a variety of attachments, such as scopes and silencers, to customize weapons and make them more effective.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Game Modes

If you’re looking to explore different entertaining game modes, BGMI would be the right pick. It offers more than 12 game modes, including ranked, unranked, deathmatch, gun game, War mode, Sniper training, and much more. Free Fire is limited when it comes to game modes. There are only three additional game modes except ranked and unranked, and it may get boring to play the same modes after a while.


Graphics in BGMI and Free Fire Max are realistic and immersive but differ in a few ways. BGMI has a more detailed environment, improved lighting and shadows, and more detailed textures. Free Fire Max has a more cartoonish and stylized look, with brighter colors and exaggerated textures. Both games have great graphics, but BGMI has a more realistic look. However, you need a powerful device to run BGMI in “ultra” graphics settings and high FPS.


Ultimately, Free Fire Max and BGMI are great options for mobile gamers who want the best battle royale experience. Picking an ideal game depends on your playstyle, mobile specifications, and other preferences. Regardless of which game you find the best, we hope you enjoy playing it and have a great experience.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!


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Future of gaming and esports sector in 2023

The gaming and esports industry has progressed a lot since its humble beginnings in the early 1980s. From the days of Pong and Pac-Man to modern-day competitive gaming and esports, the growth of the gaming industry has been remarkable. Esports has seen a dramatic rise in popularity in recent years. With the introduction of the internet, people from all over the world can now compete against each other in a variety of games.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

In 2022, the esports industry had more than 500 million audiences and generated more than 1.5 billion dollars of revenue. In 2023, the fast-growing sector is expected to get more than $5 billion in investments. So, what lies ahead for the gaming and esports sector in 2023, and what changes can we expect? Here’s what you need to know:

LAN tournaments and Events

Although there were not many gaming events after the pandemic, 2022 was a good year for the community. The venues have now started allowing audiences, and the crowd is hyped for the coming year. The IEM Rio Major 2022 witnessed an audience of 20,000 at the stadium, with thousands of people gathering outside and cheering for their home team.

In 2023, the popular esports title Valorant is ready to create history by organizing a series of year-long tournaments that consist of franchised teams from all across the globe. Titles like CS: GO and Dota 2 are expected to get multiple LANs in the next year. With the inclusion of esports in the 2023 Asian Games, it will be the first time esports will be featured as a medal event in a major international sporting event.


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Employment and Recognition

With the Indian government recently recognizing the gaming and esports sector, the industry will be regulated under the sports and youth affair ministry. The regulation of the esports industry will allow it to progress faster and build new infrastructure for organizing big events.

It is estimated that the esports industry will create more than 100,000 jobs in the country in the year 2023. With more than 200% growth, the industry will attract even more investments, advertisers, and talent in the coming year.

AI and Metaverse

AI has been used in gaming for decades, but it has become increasingly sophisticated. It is now being utilized to create more engaging and realistic game experiences. AI can create more intelligent enemies, lifelike NPCs, and even entire virtual worlds.

At the same time, the metaverse is becoming an increasingly popular concept in gaming. The metaverse is a virtual world shared by multiple players, allowing them to interact in a persistent online environment. This is similar to the concept of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), but the metaverse is more than just a game. It is a virtual world where you can work, interact, and game with each other.

In 2023, we can expect more interactive virtual worlds indistinguishable from reality. Additionally, the metaverse will become increasingly intertwined with the physical world as virtual and augmented reality become more commonplace.

Final Words

With the increasing popularity of streaming platforms, the rise of mobile gaming, and the increasing number of tournaments and leagues, the industry will continue to expand in the coming years. By 2023, the gaming and esports sector is expected to reach $1.9 billion, with the number of esports enthusiasts projected to reach 646 million.


You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Career Opportunity in Esports as a Tournament Organiser

Esports is a growing industry that is expanding at an unprecedented rate. It has become one of the most exciting career options for gamers and non-gamers. Today, it’s not just about gamers and professional players; there are many opportunities for people looking to break into this industry.
Whether you’re a developer or an event manager, you can find a high-paying job depending on your skills. In this article, we’ll discuss the different career opportunities in the Esports industry as a tournament organiser and how you can take advantage of this growing business.

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Who are Tournament Organisers?
Tournament organisers are responsible for tournaments’ planning, organising, and running. This includes finding and booking venues, coordinating with sponsors, and ensuring that the tournament runs smoothly and according to the rules. It also involves a lot of communication with players, teams, and the public.
In addition to planning and organising tournaments, organisers are also responsible for marketing and promoting the event. This includes creating promotional materials, such as flyers, posters, and social media posts. It also involves working with sponsors and other partners to ensure that the tournament is well-publicised and that the right people are aware of it. Here are some other opportunities in esports tournament organising industry:
Commentators and Announcers
Esports tournaments are now viewed by thousands of people, both at the venue and on the internet streaming platforms. With the rise of competitive gaming, commentators and announcers are becoming increasingly important in the esports industry.
Commentators and announcers give the audience an in-depth look into the game and the players involved. They provide commentary on the action as it unfolds and gives viewers an insight into the strategies and decisions the players are making. In addition to providing commentary on the game, they also help to create an entertaining atmosphere for the audience.
So, if you’ve got a confident voice, public speaking skills and an understanding of the gaming and esports industry, you can make a great career out of it.
Broadcasting and Camera
Like traditional sports, esports tournaments are also broadcasted on different viewing platforms to attract the audience. To ensure the best production quality on these live-streaming platforms, tournament organisers also have opportunities for production managers and technicians. This includes working with streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube.
Most LAN tournaments also require a camera operation crew to capture the players and the audience. Esports tournaments are not only about gaming. The fans love to watch their favourite professional players compete against each other. So, if you’re good at handling camera equipment, you can apply for a job in esports.

Operations Manager
As a tournament organiser, you also need to make sure that everything at the venue runs smoothly. This includes understanding the competing players’ needs and keeping them comfortable. Whether it’s a hand warmer or an energy drink, professionals require a lot of things while competing to ensure they perform their best.
Tournament organisers are always looking for operations managers to keep everything smooth and make players feel comfortable. This relatively easy job doesn’t require a lot of skill and can be an excellent option for some individuals.

Final Words
These were some career options in the esports industry as a tournament organiser. But the opportunities are not limited to what we’ve listed in this article. Whether you’re a gamer, a game developer, an event manager, or a broadcaster, there are plenty of opportunities to make a career out of esports. You can create a promising career in the esports industry with the right skills and dedication.


You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

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How NFTs are changing global esports arena

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Image by Freepik

NFTs and blockchain technology are transforming the gaming and global esports scene. In the past, esports were mainly limited to online gaming tournaments and leagues, but with the introduction of NFTs, the possibilities for esports have grown exponentially. With a trading volume of more than 10 billion in late 2021, the NFT and esports industry is growing at a very fast pace and is expected to reach a market of 50 billion in the year 2026. So, what are NFTs, and how they’re changing the gaming and esports industry? Let’s take a look:

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What are NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that cannot be replicated or exchanged for something else. They are stored on a blockchain and can be used to represent ownership of assets like artwork, videos, and even real-world items.

They are a new way of owning digital assets. These tokens are unique, meaning that each is different from the others. These are a couple of things that set them apart from cryptocurrencies, which are fungible and can be exchanged for one another. NFTs are also immutable, and it’s impossible to alter them once they’re created.

For example, some digital artists create NFTs of their artwork and sell them for cryptocurrency. This allows them to monetize their work in a new way and gives them a way to prove ownership of their work.

How are NFTs changing the global esports arena?

In the world of esports, NFTs represent ownership of gaming assets, such as in-game items, skins, costumes, and digital collectibles. Players can purchase NFTs to invest in valuable in-game items, which can be easily traded or sold on different trading platforms. Esports games like CS: GO and Dota 2 have a huge market for NFTs, where you can sell a rare in-game skin or asset used in major tournaments or events for thousands of dollars on the internet.

The introduction of NFTs has provided many opportunities for gamers and esports. Esports organizations can use NFTs to create digital collectibles representing their teams and players. These collectibles can then be sold to fans and gamers, allowing esports organizations to generate additional revenue.

In addition to allowing gamers and esports organizations to monetize their digital assets, NFTs are also helping to create a more vibrant and engaging esports ecosystem. For example, NFTs are used to host online tournaments and leagues where gamers can compete for digital prizes. These tournaments and leagues can be hosted by esports organizations or even by individual gamers, allowing for a much more diverse and engaging esports experience.

Finally, NFTs are also helping to create a more secure and transparent esports environment. By using NFTs to represent ownership of digital assets, gamers and esports organizations can ensure that their digital assets are safe and secure. This helps reduce the risk of fraud and cheating, a major issue in the esports world.

Final Words

Ultimately, esports is evolving rapidly, and NFTs are becoming a big part of the industry. They are allowing gamers and esports organizations to monetize their assets, creating a more vibrant and engaging esports ecosystem and helping to provide a more secure and transparent esports environment. As the use of NFTs continues to grow, the possibilities for the esports world are virtually limitless.


You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

How Valorant is Different from CS:Go ?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been the most popular competitive first-person shooter for the last ten years. Its popularity attracted game developers to create many similar FPS games, but they couldn’t survive in the market dominated by CS: GO. 

However, in 2020, Riot games released their 5v5 first-person shooter game called ‘Valorant,’ which took the gaming industry by storm and became the most-played competitive FPS game in only a couple of years. So, what makes Valorant different than CS: GO? Let’s find out:

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Agents are the most common aspect of Valorant that sets it apart from CS: GO. In counter-strike, you either play as a Terrorist or a Counter-Terrorist. On the other hand, Valorant was released with a total of 11 agents. And the developers introduce a new agent every few months that helps to add variety to the play-style of the gamers. You are required to choose your agent before a match starts, and it cannot be changed once the game starts. 

Utilities and Abilities

In Counter-strike, both terrorists and counter-terrorists can purchase utilities before every round starts. This includes grenades, flashbangs, smoke grenades, and Molotov. But in Valorant, you cannot buy these utilities. As we mentioned, you’re required to pick an agent before every match. Every agent has their own set of abilities or powers in simple terms. There are a total of three standard abilities and one ultimate ability for every agent. So, it’s crucial to pick the right agent that suits your play style. 

Rounds per Match

There are a total of 30 rounds in Counter-Strike, and every round can last up to 1 minute and 55 seconds. If the match draws at 15-15, a best of 6 is played between the two teams, and the first team that scores 19 rounds win. Valorant is a bit fast-paced compared to CS: GO, as there are only 24 total rounds in a match, and the first team to score 13 rounds win the game. If a Valorant game draws, the battle continues until a team scores two consecutive rounds, both as attackers and defenders. 

Skin Market

Skins are one of the most popular game assets in the FPS gaming community. These attractive gun designs have a massive appeal to gamers and are available in both CS: GO and Valorant. Valorant has an in-game store where you can buy the latest skin bundle for a limited period. Once the buying period is over, you cannot buy that particular skin until it comes back in your store under the “offers” section that resets every 24 hours. On the other hand, you can buy, sell and trade any CS: GO skins and crates on the Steam community market. This is one of the primary reasons why rare CS: GO skins are expensive, and they can make you a lot more profit than other game assets. 

Spray Pattern

To provide a real-life experience while firing guns, most first-person shooters have a game mechanic called ‘recoil.’ It affects the bullet compact if not appropriately controlled. Generally, you need to scroll your mouse in the opposite direction of where your bullets are going to handle the recoil. Counter-strike has a specific spray pattern for every gun, making it easier to control and achieve high accuracy if you learn the pattern. On the other hand, Valorant doesn’t have a specific spray pattern; it’s completely random after the first few bullets. This is why it is harder to spray in Valorant, and most competitive players prefer to burst fire to connect their shots accurately. 

Final Words:

The above listed were some primary differences between Valorant and CS: GO. Despite all the differences, both games have advanced game mechanics that allow players across the globe to showcase their FPS skills and play in a highly competitive environment. 

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Transformations in gaming using Artificial Intelligence

When we talk about famous games, it’s not only about the graphics or the gameplay; there’s a lot more that goes into these games. One such aspect utilized in different forms by game publishers is AI, which helps to improve game development, marketing, and the overall gameplay experience. Artificial Intelligence was just a fantasy a decade ago, but today, it’s an essential part of most AAA gaming titles and has an important role in providing a realistic gaming experience. So, what are the transformations happening in the gaming industry using AI compared to the last few years? Let’s find out:

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Improved Gameplay

The difference between the gameplay of some of the recent games compared to old ones is evident. The latest games use advanced artificial intelligence to improve the NPCs’ (Non-Playable Characters) behavior to make it more human-like. Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Elden Rings utilize AI to create multiple storylines with different endings depending on your choices while playing the game.

Realistic Experience

With the introduction of advanced physics simulations and 3D technique implementations, games are becoming more realistic. Today, developers use AI to design game mechanics capable of evolving as per your actions and providing a more relevant output. This helps to give a more realistic gaming experience and keeps the users engaged. Other advanced technologies that include aspects of AR and VR also use artificial intelligence to create a real-world replica where people can play games and socialize from all around the world.

Community Management

There are more than 1.5 billion gamers worldwide, and many of them play multiplayer and competitive games. And in such a competitive environment, it’s very common to experience toxic behavior and threats on the internet. With the help of artificial intelligence, game developers can keep track of players’ audio and text logs that can be used to eliminate such behavior from their platforms and create a safer community, and delivers a much more enjoyable gaming experience.

Game Difficulty

Before the addition of AI, most of the old games were relatively easy to master. Although there were different difficulty levels in those games, they were pretty predictable. With the help of AI, developers can create a combative enemy algorithm that can adjust the game difficulty in real-time according to the in-game actions of gamers. In relatively hard games like Sekiro or Dark Souls, the NPC can interpret and adapt to your fighting style, and the AI helps to make the enemy combat random and hard to predict. This makes these games very hard to master, which is the primary reason these games are so popular among the community.


People’s expectations for graphics keep increasing with every new game released. Artificial intelligence has also been used to remaster some famous old-school games with improved character designs, textures, higher resolution, and an immersive environment. The Last of Us and Uncharted are great examples of some of the best-remastered games transformed using AI.

Final Words:

These were some of the many ways artificial intelligence is transforming the gaming industry. Today, gaming is not just a form of entertainment; it’s a business model that demands realism and improvements in all aspects. As AI continues to evolve and new techniques get introduced, it’ll significantly contribute to making the gaming experience more fun, interactive, and realistic in the coming years.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Metaverse powering gaming industry

Metaverse is a futuristic and immersive concept of creating a virtual 3D universe that connects people from all parts of the globe, allowing them to socialize, play, earn and work together. This ever-evolving universe is considered the next big thing on the internet by many, which will shape the way we look at reality. The big names in the industry, like Facebook and Microsoft, are already building huge projects that include aspects of augmented reality, blockchain, AI and virtual reality, and 3D reconstructions. So, how is this virtual universe powering and changing the gaming industry? Let’s have a look:

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Gaming in Metaverse

The gaming industry is one of the first ones to get involved in the metaverse, as this virtual space provides gamers with a better immersive gaming experience compared to playing a standard or multiplayer game on a flat screen. It’s a lot easier and more fun to play, socialize, and access other impressive features like crypto and Web3 in the metaverse. Metaverse opens a three-dimensional door for gamers to interact with the environment and other gamers even when they’re not playing and take advantage of game assets, NFTs, and crypto to generate huge profits.

How is the metaverse powering the gaming industry?

Gaming is a constantly developing industry, and with the introduction of the metaverse, there are great possibilities for improvement. Here are some things metaverse offers that have the potential to power the gaming industry:


As we mentioned earlier, the metaverse is a virtual universe where people from all parts of the world can come together to collaborate and play on a single platform. Unlike standard VRs, where you’re playing the game alone, metaverse provides an opportunity to interact with other gamers and play multiplayer games.

AR and VR

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are the two major building blocks of metaverse that help create an immersive gaming experience for users. While VR provides you with an ever-existing virtual world, AR brings in real-world aspects with the help of real-time integration of information like text, images, sounds, and more. The popular game ‘Pokemon Go is an excellent example of using AR to combine real-world information with the virtual world.

Play and Earn

Over the last decade, the ability to profit while gaming in the metaverse has attracted most users. With the help of the metaverse, you’ll be able to trade, sell and buy valuable assets that you have in different games using blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The opportunities to earn money are countless and will skyrocket in the coming years as more and more companies start investing in the metaverse.


If we talk about game assets, resources like rare weapon skins, weapons, and game outfits are very popular among the community and can be highly valuable, depending on the number of people who own the particular asset. These assets provide the room to create a marketplace for gamers to trade their game assets with other users in the metaverse.

Final Words:

The metaverse is still relatively new, with countless possibilities and space for many improvements. However, it certainly has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry and create a whole new immersive environment. With companies like Epic Games, Microsoft, and even Facebook taking significant steps for technological advancements in the community, the metaverse will definitely play a huge role in powering the digital future of the world.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Future Of Cloud Gaming in the Gaming Industry

Over the last couple of decades, there has been a lot of technological development in the internet and software industry, especially when we refer to different forms of entertainment. One such industry is video games, a rapidly growing and lucrative market frequently evolving with new technologies, one of which is cloud gaming. 

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Although this revolutionary technology has been around for a while, it wasn’t very popular until recently, as big gaming brands like NVIDIA, PlayStation, Xbox, and even Google have introduced their cloud gaming services. So, what lies ahead for cloud gaming in this massive industry, and how can it change the way we play video games? Let’s understand more about it.

What is Cloud Gaming?

Cloud gaming is a technology that lets you play a variety of games without having to download them or use video game discs. These services run these games from a remote server and stream them directly to your PC remotely using the internet. This also eliminates the need for minimum system specification requirements to play specific games that cannot be played on a low-end PC, making these games available for many devices. 

These services provide you with different games in the form of compressed frames capable of transferring the user input at a breakneck speed to the remote server and delivering the output with great efficiency. All you need is a stable and high-speed internet connection to enjoy your favorite games without purchasing and downloading them.

Benefits of Cloud Gaming:

Game Updates: 

Not only a cloud gaming service eliminates downloading a game to play it, but it also gets rid of installing frequent patch updates on your device. The cloud servers that host these games automatically get updated with the latest patch from the developers and save you a lot of time and trouble updating a game several times.

System Requirements

Gaming PC components and hardware are expensive, and there’s something new and upgraded hardware every year, so it’s not easy to purchase and maintain high-end physical gaming hardware. You don’t need any minimum system requirements with cloud gaming, as video games run on cloud-based remote servers. So, you can have the same gaming experience without investing in an expensive gaming machine.

Device Compatibility:

With no system or hardware requirements, cloud gaming services make high-end games available to multiple devices that you may already have, including your smartphone, tablets, and even your TVs. 


With traditional gaming technology, there’s a limit to how many games you can download and install on your computer, depending on the hardware. On the other hand, you can access a wide variety of games simultaneously and play all your favorite games at once. 

Future of Cloud Gaming in the industry

There’s no doubt that there are a lot of benefits to using cloud gaming services for casual gamers. However, the technology is still in the early stages, and some flaws must be encountered to replace traditional gaming consoles and PCs. These flaws include higher input lag and latency, which can be important for competitive or other fast-paced games.

As we mentioned earlier, cloud gaming services require a good internet connection. And this means that using this technology is not possible for many people who may not have a very stable internet connection. 

With early service providers like G-cluster and OnLive failing to appeal to gaming audiences, the cloud gaming industry was only worth $560 million but is expected to grow to $6 billion in the next five years.

Although the current state of cloud gaming is not very prevalent, the future of cloud gaming looks promising. With brands like Nvidia and Xbox introducing advanced and efficient cloud technologies in the industry, it’s attracting more gamers than ever before and is expected to grow as it improves over the next decade. 

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

Different Types of Gamers in 2022 (By demographics and platform type)

If you own a smartphone or a PC, there’s a high possibility that you’ve played at least one of the many types of online or offline video games. But, have you ever wondered who the different types of gamers love spending their time playing different genres of games?

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When we talk about the demographics of the gaming audience and an average gamer, there’s a common stereotype among people, imagining them as teenagers or young men between the ages of 18-24. But the fact is that the gaming industry is now considered one of the fastest-growing forms of entertainment, and the ever-evolving gaming community comprises a very diverse group of people. In this article, we’ll list some exciting facts about gamer demographics and discuss different types of gamers by age and platform types.

Gamer Demographics Facts:

Here are some fascinating facts about gaming audiences that’ll surprise you for sure:

According to the latest reports, there are more than 3.2 billion gamers across the globe as of 2022. The video games market is estimated to generate about $200 billion this year. The gaming industry is now more profitable than the music and movie businesses. With smartphones and fast-internet getting cheaper, the industry is growing rapidly. In addition to the competitive aspect of gaming, it acts as a great way of getting together with your friends and loved ones.

More than 70% of the gamers are above the age of 18, and an average gamer is about 30–35-year-old which can be very surprising for some. Video games and arcades started gaining popularity among kids in many countries during the 90s. And, most of the 90’s kids who grew up playing video games still love to play old-school retro or latest gaming titles. Therefore, the average gaming audience age has been rising for the last 20 years.

Asia has the biggest video game audience, with about 1.5 billion gamers living in the continent, followed by Europe, with 700 million gamers. The US has a total of around 240 million gamers, while China is the country with the most gamers, estimated 650 million active gamers as of 2022.

Gaming has now become a part of everyday life for more than 60% of Americans and 50% of Europeans. If we talk about the gender ratio, a lot of people still think that not many women play games. However, there’s not much difference between the gender ratio in most countries. In the US, more than 45% of female gamers are female, while the ratio is more than 50% in some countries like France.

Gaming Audience by Platform Types (PCs, Smartphones, and Console)

As we mentioned earlier, there are more than 3.2 billion active gamers across the globe as of 2022. According to a report, PC gamers make up around 45% of the gaming population, while 70% of the gaming audience play video games on their smartphones. Over 2.6 billion people avidly play games on their mobile phones, and the mobile gaming industry generated more than $80 billion in revenue last year.

With the introduction of some of the latest consoles like PS5 and Xbox series with exclusive games, a large audience still enjoys playing on consoles. Around 41% of gamers play games on different consoles in the US. However, this number can differ for other countries as consoles are not very popular in most Asian and European countries.

Final Words:

Video games used to be only associated with kids a few years back. But with recent growth, the gaming industry is now a multi billion-dollar business. It now has people associated with all demographics, and it’ll keep evolving as more people become a part of this community. I hope you enjoyed reading these surprising demographic facts about different types of gamers in the community.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

New Technologies Reinventing Esports in India.

Esports and Gaming in India have been on the rise for the last five years because of affordable data providers, the spread of reliable 4G connection, and the supply of budget smartphones with great functionalities and the latest technology. The young generation has adapted to different sorts of entertainment, including desktop and mobile gaming. India’s gaming and esports industry is estimated to be worth more than 1 billion dollars as of 2022.

You can download the Oggangs app from Google Play or App Store to play Esports Tournaments  for CS: GO, Free Fire MAX, Call of Duty, Valorant & win exciting rewards!

The competitiveness, skillset, and room for improvement drive the esports industry to engage exceptionally well with the consumers compared to other standard forms of entertainment like movies or comics. Even a casual gamer is interested in watching and participating in several esports broadcasts similar to other famous sports in the country, like cricket.

With new users getting involved in the esports community at a fast pace, the introduction of newer technologies and better opportunities has the potential to increase revenue and viewer engagement for the industry by a significant margin.

Esports Broadcasts

Although there’s always been a small gaming community in the country by virtue of games like CS: GO, Overwatch, and Dota, recent titles like PUBG and Valorant have entirely changed the face of the gaming and esports industry in the country. These free-to-play games quickly attracted millions of gamers in the country and created a lot of room for opportunities. The competitiveness of these games attracted several organizations to create teams and compete at the biggest esports stages.

Events like PMCO and VCC had immense success, and the broadcasts had one of the highest viewership and participation from the gaming community. Thousands of people watching their favourite esports players and streamers compete against the best in the world proved that the Indian market has a lot of potential, and it’s just the beginning.

Sponsorships and Monetization

Similar to other sports events like IPL or ISL, the rise of viewer participation and engagement in the esports industry has encouraged some of the biggest brands in the country to sponsor famous esports tournaments. This includes popular computer hardware brands like AMD, intel, and LG and other platforms like Amazon and a lot more.

With many big names jumping into the industry to promote their products to the viewers, the prize pool of these tournaments has extensively increased from a few thousand rupees to thousands and lakhs of dollars in a couple of years. This has encouraged casual gamers to take esports seriously and pursue it as a primary career.

Platforms like Twitch and Youtube gaming have provided individually skilled esports players or other casual gamers with several monetization options to generate passive income in the form of subscriptions, memberships, and donations. This allows you to showcase your competitive skills and attract a lot of brands and esports organizations to work with you.

The industry is not limited to gamers; it creates thousands of jobs for people with experience in graphic design, animation, data management, commentary, and much more.

The recent development has also increased the demand for dedicated hardware with the latest technologies, like monitors with higher refresh rates, mechanical keyboards, or even gaming mobiles with improved display and hardware specifications.

Final Words

Esports is a relatively new business that’s growing rapidly in India. It has evolved entirely over a concise period of time. With the introduction of new technologies, there’s been a huge positive impact on how we engage in esports. We hope the industry will continue to evolve as new technologies emerge, create opportunities for more people, and help improve the entertainment sector and economy.

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